Monday, January 14, 2013

It's obvious I've taken a long break from blogging and from publishing my monthly flash fiction newsletter. I definitely needed the break. But I'm back now and ready to resume the discussion and study of flash fiction.

I'm releasing the latest issue of my newsletter today and if you don't subscribe, now's the time to do it. It's free and each month you receive it via email. This issue is loaded with markets and contests for flash.

HOW TO SUBSCRIBE Here's how to subscribe. Send a blank email message to > That's all. I'll then "approve" you and you'll begin receiving Flash Fiction Flash on a regular basis. (I'd appreciate it if you'd also send me your recent flash literature publishing news and any flash literature markets you know of.)

JOIN FLASHFICTION-W This is a free online flash fiction workshop that's been going for fifteen years now. We have some openings and hope serious writers or students of flash fiction will join us. To join send a blank subject email message to  and in the message section write only this: signup flashfiction-w (your email address). We all use real names in the workshop and no lurking is allowed (we have monthly participation requirements). (If the workshop gets too full, I'll put you on a waiting list and will add you as soon as there's an opening. Right now we have some openings so sign up soon.)

INTERESTING FLASH FICTION As a "let's get started again" gesture, here are some online flash fiction pieces that I view as outstanding. Hope you enjoy and learn from them too.

Octavio Paz's "The Blue Bouquet"
David Foster Wallace's "Incarnations of Burned Children" (this one made me cry!)
Heinrich Boll's "The Laugher"
(translated by Leila Vennewitz)

All the best writing to you.