I'll be teaching another flash fiction course beginning on November 1, 2010. It runs four weeks and is done entirely online. The course always fills quickly so sign up soon at http://www.flashquake.org/online-classes/flash-fiction.html (where you can also see further details about the course along with some past course evaluations.)
I've been teaching this course (and an online course in writing haibun) for several years now. It's always refreshing and inspiring to meet so many gifted writers who are attracted to flash fiction. Soon I'll have my Part II course worked up and will begin offering it. Stay tuned!
I'd love to get even more news on flash fiction publications, new collections/ anthologies for my newsletter, FlashFictionFlash http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FlashFictionFlash
Subscribe (it's monthly and it's free) and you'll see all the types of flash literature news I send out. Then send me your own publishing news (pertinent to the newsletter). Or send me your flash literature calls for submissions. I'm always happy to spread the word.
(Rose Metal Press).
There's a group reading/discussion sponsored by the Creative Writing Program at the University of Toledo (Kyle Minor's site) and it's going quite well so far.
It begins at http://www.groupread.wordpress.com/2010/05/25/hello-world/
The discussion then continues, chapter by chapter, and you can access discussion for each chapter from the menu on the right side of the screen. Just click the chapter you want. See discussion on my chapter, "The Myth-ing Link" at at http://groupread.wordpress.com/2010/09/20/the-myth-ing-link-24-30/
Some of the contributors who've stopped by to comment (so far) include myself, Nathan Leslie, Randall Brown, and Tara Masih (the editor). I expect even more of the contributors to comment as their chapters come up for discussion.
If you don't have a copy of this collection yet, you're really missing out. You can order it at:
BOOKS AND BEYOND: GREENWOOD ENECYCLOPEDIA OF NEW AMERICAN WRITING (4 vols). Edited by Kenneth Womack. (Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut/ London, 2008.)
(URL/ link above must be all together, unbroken, so cut and paste to get to the site.)
I also hope you get the chance to read my 8,000-word article on flash fiction in the above encyclopedia. You can always ask your library order it for you. My article on flash fiction includes a tenative working definition, a history, discusses contexts and issues, selected authors, reception, trends and themes, and includes a bibliography, and further reading recommendations. The encyclopedia set is wonderful for its in-depth articles on so many different types of writing (some types I'd not heard of).
Labels: flash fiction course, FlashFictionFlash Newsletter, haibun, micro fiction, Nathan Leslie, online course, Randall Brown, sudden fiction, Tara Masih