Thursday, January 03, 2008


I received this exciting news from Jayne Anne Phillips, author of BLACKTICKETS (one of the finest flash fiction collections I've read). In this new M.F.A. program in Newark, which just started this year, short-shorts area major part of the curriculum. Here's what The Atlantic had to say about it last summer:"

"One of the most exciting programs has yet to commence: The Rutgers-NewarkReal Lives, Real Stories M.F.A. program begins this fall and will be led bythe novelist Jayne Anne Phillips. The 33 writers entering the program rangein age from 24 to 60; one-third are students of color, many are raising families, and some have ongoing careers in other fields.""Where Great Writers are Made" by Edward J. Delaney- The Atlantic Special Fiction Issue, 2007.

The new application season has started and runs November 1 through January15. The program, says Phillips, is "very affordable, very urban, and we offer some form of funding to almost a third of our students. See all details at

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