Flash Fiction Flash Featured Markets
Each month in my Flash Fiction Flash Newsletter http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FlashFictionFlash I publish John Young's "Featured Market" articles on paying markets for flash fiction (markets which pay an honorarium, a contributor's copy, and/ or subscription).
John does a great job with getting those extra bits of information out of an editor so that we writers can get a better idea of what works might best fit the publication. John's created a web site where all his past newsletter articles can be viewed. See them at http://mysite.verizon.net/ressce9j/id2.html
The many other markets listed in my free online newsletter are for subscribers only. You can subscribe by sending a blank subject header message to FlashFictionFlash-Subscribe@yahoogroups.com Then each month you'll receive the latest publishing news for writers of flash literature, including John Young's fine monthly articles, and it will be delivered right to your emailbox.
Keep flashing!